Welcome to Adopt-A-Patriot!

Follow us as our team travels all over the thirteen colonies and a number of other states to locate, photograph, and rate the graves of our founders.

Adopt-A-Patriot is sponsored by Sunbury Press, Inc., the publishers of the Graves of Our Founders series and authors Joe Farrell, Joe Farley, and Lawrence Knorr.

Our team of historians ventured far and wide to visit, document, and photograph the graves of our founders while also taking a moment to thank them for their accomplishments. These field trips have been exciting and rewarding in many cases but also shocking and shameful in others.

The typical gravesite is a weather-beaten stone of modest size, with some brief mention of the inhabitant’s role in the founding of our country, often placed there by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) or Sons of the American Revolution (SAR). All too often we encountered shocking neglect.

Our Goal

Ultimately, we hope to help organize local action to either:


Almost all of the gravesites would benefit from additional on-site information.


Bring the grave sites back to like-new condition.


Move those in bad situations  to other cemeteries or historic sites, as has happened many times.

Books from Sunbury Press

Joe Farrell, Joe Farley, and Lawrence Knorr have traveled across the eastern USA to the graves of over 200 founding fathers (and mothers) responsible for the birth of the United States of America. Included in these books are biographies and grave information for many of these luminaries who made significant contributions to the Revolutionary cause.

In The Media

Adopt-A-Patriot is sponsored by Sunbury Press, Inc., the publishers of the Graves of Our Founders series and authors Joe Farrell, Joe Farley, and Lawrence Knorr.

Descendants help refurbish monument for Nicholas Gilman
Video from WMUR Exeter, NH – featuring Joe Farley & Lawrence Knorr

Graves of Our Founders: A Call to Action
Blog Post by Joe Farrell, Joe Farley & Lawrence Knorr
for SAR Magazine